Daily and weekly updates will appear in the virtual bulletin and on our Facebook Missions Group Page. Please contact Pastor Heather Nordgren if you wish to be a part of our Missions activities: Hnordgren@newalbanyumc.com.

New Albany Food Pantry

As a part of Healthy New Albany, their mission is to eliminate food insecurity within the New Albany-Plain Local School District by connecting our neighbors in need with food and other critical resources.

Donations of food items can be placed into our Church grocery Cart or you can select items from their Amazon wish list.


Little Bottoms Free Store

Little Bottoms is a free store located on West Park in Franklinton, founded and organized by Central City UMC Church in Grandview. Babies in this zip code have a high rate of mortality in their first year.. Through physical help and emotional support of the parents, the hope is to help these children to reach their first birthday. We partner with them by providing diapers, wipes and other items for infants. After co-vid, we hope to return to be present at the store to offer emotional support as well. We celebrated this ministry at our first annual “Happy Birthday, Jesus” drive through party in December, 2020. Donations accepted year round. Sally Belshaw leads this ministry.

We have a yearly goal of 1500 packs of baby wipes…

If you have an interest in this ministry beyond donation of wipes, contact Sally at sally.belshaw@gmail.com

Kindway/Embark Prison/Reentry Programs

Kindway:  ways to volunteer: donate new items for the New Home Project through the signup genius or donate money to the church and memo new home project. This will help with the larger, more expensive items. This happens as prisoners are paroled so one must be keeping an eye on the FB missions page or the virtual bulletin. 
Sign up for interest in visiting prisoners in person at their monthly kindway gatherings
or sign up to help prepare and serve a celebratory meal at their reunions – next one is February. These reunions celebrate those who have been continually successful in living outside of the prison.

Kairos Prison Ministry International

Kairos:  Next Kairos Spiritual weekend is April 11-14.  Each team member needs bring in 10,000 cookies.  We will be hosting a cookie bake in our kitchen.  You can also choose to bake at home.  There are specific instructions about type, size and packing of these cookies.  Favorite need is chocolate ship.

Other ways to volunteer and learn more about this ministry is to serve meals to the team members in the kitchen or registering to go in the prison, to celebrate their completion of the event and hear their testimonies and next steps.

Faith Mission

Faith Mission Meals helps the homeless at the faith mission shelter in downtown columbus. We prepare a hearty meal and provide cookies and brownies for dessert every 1st Sunday of the Month. There are 3 ways to serve at this time: 1. Donate money to our mission budget,2. bake cookies and brownies and deliver them to the church by noon on that Sunday and 3. You can volunteer to be on the cooking and serving teams. This team is led by Sue and Bob Dye. Contact them to volunteer: mssusandye@gmail.com.

During the months of November and December, we help prepare the men and women for winter by collecting new or nearly new hooded sweatshirts, coats, jeans, warm socks and underwear, leggings (for the women), and warm hats and gloves.

Open Shelter

Open Shelter is a homeless ministry that helps the men and women who want to be more independent, living outdoors in their own communities. They come to the shelter primarily for food, clothing, showers, and some medical care.

We pack 180 lunches which are delivered the second Wednesday of the month. 

Karen Dennis (dklcats@embarqmail.com) leads this ministry.

Bed Brigade

This ministry provides beds, complete with bedding, a bed pal and a Bible to kids in Central Ohio who do not have a bed.

Volunteers are needed to make beds, deliver beds and provide bedding, Bibles, and stuffed animals.

To volunteer, one must register for a time with Dean directly or through Sign -up genius. Here is the information…

Sign-Up Genius links for Builds and for Deliveries


is the link to sign up for our Bed Build. (The easiest way is to search by creator email, hoovdog52@gmail.com). Easier yet, call or text Dean at 614-296-3162.

It usually takes about 2 1/2 hours to build 40 beds. We start at 8:30 and we’re finished before lunch. We may have help from other churches or organizations, so make sure to sign up before you show up, so that we can use you effectively. In general, we build on the first (Non-holiday) Saturday of the month.

We cut lumber for the build on the Thursday prior to that Saturday, starting at 8:30AM, at the Shop at 1788 Killdeer. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Dean.

Bed Deliveries


is the link to sign up for deliveries. Again, it’s usually easier to search by creator email, hoovdog52@gmail.com. In general, a team of 3 or 4 volunteers, with a delivery vehicle (empty mini-van or pickup truck) and support vehicle (carrying volunteers and bedding) can deliver 4 or 5 beds and make 2 stops. We prep beds at 9:00 and 11:00. We depart to deliver around 10:00-12:00. Usually completed by 11:00 -1:00. We usually deliver every Saturday except holidays.


Heifer International

Water pumps and livestock through Heifer International through donations. We accept donations all year to reach our goal of $3000, enough to purchase water kiosks for a community. Additional donations will purchase livestock (cow, goat, chickens), whatever a family needs. This gift will be sent during the season of Christmas. When making donations, make a check payable to “NAUMC” with a memo of “Heifer”.

Manos Juntas Mission

Learn more about the mission on Thursday Sept. 8, 2022. We are hosting a dinner/reception of Willie Berman, the man behind the vision for Manos Juntas. He will be traveling between churches who have participated in the medical clinics and the working with the orphanage.


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